
Sharing Podcast Reviews on Social Media

Sharing podcast reviews on social media like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a powerful way to market your podcast to potential listeners. GetPodReviews makes sharing reviews simple - just a few clicks to share a review to your favorite social networks

Click "Share Review" Tab

On the reviews tab of your podcast - beside every review is a 'Share Review' link - click it to open the share reviews dropdown

Choose Your Social Network

Choose Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to share directly to those platforms

Share your review

Each networks sharing window is slightly different - but with each one - you'll be able to edit before posting. GetPodReviews also generates a shareable image of the review as well - which will help your post standout on social media

Review URL

We generate a page for every review that your podcast has - if you'd like to use that URL in an email or another social network that we don't directly integrate with - click the 'View Link' button - this will take you to the reviews URL that you can copy and share wherever you'd like!

Review Image

We also generate an image for every review that your podcast has - if you'd like - you can download that image and display it on your website, social media, or print it off and hang it over your fireplace to celebrate your podcast's great work!

Ready to get more reviews for your podcast?Collect, track and monitor your podcast's reviews using GetPodReviews