
Five On-Air Scripts to get More Podcast Reviews

Getting reviews from your podcast listeners starts by asking them to give them! In this article we'll look at 5 ways you can ask for reviews during one of your podcast episodes

We've collected some of our favorite ways that podcasters ask for reviews and we're sharing them here with you. Take these as they are or modify them to better suit the voice of your podcast.

The Simple Ask

Let's keep it simple for the first example - directly asking!

Hi PODCASTNAME Listeners - just a reminder to please leave a review for the podcast by going to

The Read and Request

With this method - you share a review that you have gotten recently and then prompt users to leave something similar

Suzie on Apple Podcasts says 'Love the podcast - it's amazing' - listeners if you love the podcast and think it's amazing - then leave a review by visiting

Support By Review

Here we ask for support of the podcast - not in the financial sense - but by giving a review

Listeners - if you'd like to support this podcast and help it grow, you can do so by leaving a review for the podcast at

The Target

It's always good to have a goal - challenge your listeners with a review goal - and make it an attainable and reasonable goal. For example if you currently already have 10 reviews - maybe make your goal be 50. If you already have 100 - then make your goal something like 500

Hey PODCASTNAME Listeners - just a reminder that we have a goal to reach 50 reviews by the end of this month - at the time of this episode's recording we have 22 - you can help us reach our goal by visiting

The Contest

Full disclosure - we don't recommend this for podcast's that are just starting out and we also suggest you check local and state laws for running contests - but a contest/giveway for reviews can be a powerful motivator to your listeners

Listener's we have a giveway! Here's how it works - leave a review for the podcast by visiting - once you've submitted your review send me an email or a DM on social media with a link to the review you submitted. We'll randomly draw a submitter at the end of the month who will win a gift card/t-shirt/coffee cup/etc..etc...

In the end

Remember that consistency is key - the more you ask for reviews - the more reviews you'll end up getting. Stay consistent and the reviews will come!

Ready to get more reviews for your podcast?Collect, track and monitor your podcast's reviews using GetPodReviews